Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How writing a song is like having a relationship

I'm not the first to make the comparison, but for those of you with friends in the "biz," I'm gonna break it down for you here. Maybe then you can forgive us for being psychotic and mildly bipolar.

It all starts with the set up and first date. You see the idea in your head and that girl is fresh! She's got it in all the right places and you can't wait to get at her. Slow down, Turbo. If the ride you pick her up in is whack, and the dinner is lame, you're done. So, Cassanova, your beat has to be tight.

You're on your third date now and you know what that means: smash it or cash it in. Your hook has to be something to remember. We all know that bad sex can be a deal breaker. If she's not screaming your name, it's a damn shame.

Now we are in the head of passion, sketching the frame-work for a great relationship. It doesn't come without a bit of drama. Left up toilet seats, granny panties in the sink, and midnight arguments. Break ups, make ups, and everything in between. However, if you have the grit and patience, you might find yourself in a marriage and a great song.

The only problem is that your girl is a free spirit. Once you have that special bond, you have to let her go - be shared. Even if she ends up unloved by the next man, you have to grin and bear it. Good songs are meant to be shared. Divorce is an ugly business.

But, fret not true believers. The beauty of the process is that a new idea is always around the corner. So what are we waiting for? Let's make a move.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Got Friends in Low Places

Before I get into my weekend adventure, I will share a couple of thoughts I have about Arizona:

1. If it weren't for family, friends, and music I would never go back there.
2. There has never been a time that I have visited and not gotten myself into some sort of trouble.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of fond memories of the roadrunner state. I learned amazing things about music. I forged bonds with unique people. I made horrific mistakes. However, I swear that AZ is competing with Texas for the top slot on the list of ass-backwards states.

So I started the weekend the way everyone should; good company and an alcoholic beverage. In my circle, "drinks with friends" usually means binge drinking while playing stupid games - then mercilessly ridiculing those who can't hold their liquor. I mean, what kind of friend invites you over, pays for the beer, then draws a penis on your face? Ain't love grand!

But the REAL reason for my trip to AZ was to pick up some beats and hear the greatest lyricist of the west coast: Crooked I. This brotha is extremely dope. He also scares the shit out of me. He came to the venue, ten deep with some vicious dudes. Now I have seen my fair share of shit, but these guys looked like they ate it for breakfast. I started thinking about my crew and had to laugh. Sumatyme, master wordsmith and avid comic collector. Damn, I'm fearsome.

Whatever. I suppose I'm just marveling how we treat those closest to us. I have a friend going through a rough divorce. How do I offer solace and show solidarity? By making fun of her for not getting any booty. "A true friend stabs you in the front." To all of mine near, far, lost, found, drunk, or sober... I love you all. Now fuck off.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Chronicles of a Broke Rapper - Allow me to re-introduce myself

In the spirit of change that this country of ours is desperately trying to hold onto, your favorite MC is also looking to revamp the way I do blogging.

With that in mind, may I present: the Chronicles of a Broke Rapper. This will be a weekly account of my life and travels as an MC. I hope that by painting a picture of my world, I be able to share my insights and also use the thoughts I share with you to make me a better artist. So, let's get started...

Allow me to re-introduce myself. I go by Sumatyme. I'm one-third of the super-charged group Identity Crisis. (Yes, the Identity Crisis) I hail from the Southside of Chicago, the suburbs of Arizona, and most recently downtown LA. I spent my whole life studying jazz and classical music and the first chance I got, I walked away from it to be a part of a movement that America doesn't fully embrace, yet has no problem exploiting. I'm no thug, but I still managed to land in jail for being stupid (and black). I don't fit the category of a "normal MC." Lyrically I'm on another planet anyway. I'm scared of success, but can't stop pushing myself. I've been called overly cheerful, difficult, and brooding. I've been considered caring to a fault and self-absorbed. (Aren't all artists?) Oh yeah, and I drink too much. I am Identity Crisis.

You will be hard-pressed to find another crew to match our passion during shows. Identity Crisis obessses with growth and mastery of the art form. Becoming one of the ranks of the dopest MCs is not a dream. For us, it is inevitable. Now, if I could only translate all that to dollar signs, life would be perfect.

So now that the "get-to-know-you" stage is over, I invite you all to come with us as we journey into sound. Hip-hop is easy, listening to the music of life is a whole lot harder.
